Friday, February 4, 2011

Do we really need a 'Pet Sematary' remake?

Posted 2/3/11 9:45 am ET by Josh Wigler in News

Pet Sematary

Between the forthcoming feature film adaptations of "The Dark Tower" and "The Stand," you might think that movies based on Stephen King's novels were at an end. But it appears that the trend is only just beginning.

Just like the premise of the story itself, "Pet Sematary" is rising from the grave for a cinematic revival. The Los Angeles Times reports that Matthew Greenberg, who previously adapted King's short story "1408," is set to turn in his script based on King's zombie-strewn tale to Paramount, though the studio itself would not officially comment on the report.

It's not surprising to hear that "Pet Sematary" is coming back to life. As we pointed out earlier this week, it's one of the oddball films in King's library, not quite a perfect adaptation but an endlessly watchable one all the same. And with zombies all the rage right now thanks to a certain little show called "The Walking Dead," now seems like the right time to bring "Pet Sematary" back from the brink.

Of course, in the story itself, attempting resurrection is not such a good idea. In "Pet Sematary," King weaved a story about a hidden pet cemetery where buried corpses come back from the dead. What begins with the burial of the family cat quickly spirals out of control, touching on every dark corner of human depravity and desperation that you can think of. It also destroyed my image of the adorable Aaron from "Full House" forever. (Didn't make that connection before? Sorry to spoil your Thursday, kids!)

If the "Pet Sematary" revival doesn't pull its punches — and, really, it can't afford to given the subject matter — then this could be one reboot worth watching. Stay tuned for more information as it's available!


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