Well here’s something you don’t see every day…
“Yoga does things with the human body that defy the imagination.” Fidel Castro, former leader of Cuba not shy of opinions shared his thoughts about yoga in his front-page editorial of the country’s state-run Granmanewspaper.
And then the 85-year-old bearded former Prime Minister/President/Communist leader etc. handed out yoga mats to everyone and wished us all world peace! What just happened?
Since his illness, Castro has been writing a regular feature called “Reflection from Comrade Fidel,” in which he offers a sort of fortune cookie snippit of musings on topics ranging from former leaders to mulberries, resulting in what you might call his version of “Fideltweets.”
This week he chose to write about yoga. No clues as to whether he’s taken on the practice himself, or if defying the imagination is actually praise in his book, but if this doesn’t mean yoga has arrived on the world stage then Cuban cigars are on us.
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