Monday, October 17, 2011

Your weekend catch up for the hung over:-)

- Scream Award Winners -
Fresnadillo Flies From The Crow - EmpireOnline
- Dreamscapes of witch hysteria spell gold for illustrator - MetroWest
- Halloween in Salem - Montrealgazette
- The Narrative of Explosive Growth Does Us No Good - The Wild Hunt

Weekend Report: Remakes Can't Retire 'Real Steel'


Two 80s remakes and a bird-watching movie weren't able to knock down Real Steel, which held well enough to repeat in first place this weekend. Footloose wasn't far behind, but also wasn't all that impressive, while The Thing missed the mark and The Big Year bombed. Overall box office was off around 33 percent from the same frame last year when Jackass 3-D led with $50.3 million. 

Real Steel dipped 40 percent to an estimated $16.3 million. That hold isn't quite as strong as Secretariat or Red from last October, but it's still solid in its own right. Through 10 days in theaters, the Hugh Jackman robot boxing movie has earned $51.7 million. 

Footloose was a close second with an estimated $16.1 million. It debuted below Stomp the Yard ($21.8 million and the first two Step Up movies ($20.7 million and $18.9 million), but did end up slightly above Step Up 3-D ($15.8 million). It also had lower initial attendance than the original Footloose, which opened to roughly $20 million when adjusting for ticket price inflation. Distributor Paramount Pictures is reporting that 75 percent of Footloose's audience was female, and 27 percent was under the age of 18. The movie played best in the South, Southwest and Midwest, and earned a strong "A" CinemaScore. 

With an established brand and Paramount's vibrant and pervasive marketing effort, Footloose's opening seems fairly unremarkable. However, the movie was probably saddled with unfair expectations, and didn't really have a chance to open too much higher than this. While the dance genre has turned out some hits, the all-time top opening belongs to 2001's Save the Last Dance with $23.5 million. It's hard to imagine Footloose setting a new high-mark for the genre when the movie doesn't really bring anything new to the table, and instead appears to be a nearly shot-for-shot remake of the popular 1984 original.

While the Footloose remake at least held its own, The Thing was an outright disappointment with a meager estimated $8.7 million. That's lower than most horror remakes from the last decade, including second-tier ones like The Fog ($11.7 million) and The Stepfather ($11.6 million). Interestingly, though, this new version of The Thing actually sold about as many tickets in its opening weekend as John Carpenter's 1982 movie (still, there's little chance it holds on as well in the long run given the way release patterns have changed in the past few decades). According to distributor Universal Pictures, the audience was 57 percent male and 56 percent under 30 years old. The CinemaScore was a weak "B-," indicating that the movie is going to have a tough time surviving opposite Paranormal Activity 3 next weekend. 

Considering the amorphous nature of The Thing's titular villain, the movie was naturally at a disadvantage: a vague "thing" doesn't give prospective audiences much to latch on to. It was therefore left up to fans of the original, who are already familiar with the concept, to turn out in strong numbers. There was a pervasive cynicism about the need for a remake within this community, though, and with an identical story, location, and title, there didn't appear to be much of a reason to head to theaters. Successful remakes like last year's The Karate Kid manage to stay true in nature to the original movie while at the same time promising a new experience, which is something that The Thing and Footloose weren't quite able to achieve this weekend. 

The movies occupying fourth through eighth place were all holdovers that experienced very light declines. The Ides of March eased just 28 percent to an estimated $7.5 million. That's an improvement on star George Clooney's Michael Clayton, which declined 36 percent around the same time in 2007. Ides's 10-day tally reached $22.2 million. 

Dolphin Tale dipped 31 percent to an estimated $6.4 million for a total of $58.7 million. Moneyball was off 26 percent to $5.5 million, and has now made $57.7 million. 50/50 had the best hold among all wide releases, falling just 24 percent to $4.3 million. Through three weekends, the cancer comedy has earned a solid $24.3 million. Finally, Courageous eased 30 percent to $3.4 million for a total of $21.4 million. 

Opening all the way down in ninth place with an estimated $3.3 million, The Big Year was a big disaster. That debut is just a tiny fraction of director David Frankel's The Devil Wears Prada ($27.5 million) and Marley and Me ($36.4 million). It's only slightly better than star Jack Black's Tenacious D in: The Pick of Destiny ($3.24 million), and is Steve Martin's lowest wide opening since 1994's Mixed Nuts. The Big Year even opened a bit lower than Owen Wilson's 2004 bomb The Big Bounce ($3.336 million). This is distributor 20th Century Fox's third-straight disappointment following Glee The 3D Concert Movie ($6 million) and What's Your Number? ($5.4 million). Demographics and exit polling are not currently available. 

The Big Year received a half-hearted, late-to-the-game marketing effort from distributor 20th Century Fox that failed to identify a premise beyond the fact that the three lead characters were all going through some kind of personal crisis. It's understandable that the potentially boring bird-watching elements were largely sidelined in the campaign, though it's hard to imagine the movie doing much worse if they had been incorporated. Regardless, The Big Year's commercial prospects were never all that high, and it should quickly fade from theaters over the next few weeks.

Opening in just six theaters, Pedro Almodovar's The Skin I Live In earned an estimated $231,000. That translates to a per-theater average of $38,500, which is the best average since Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2's $38,672 on its opening weekend in July.

Heroes and Star Trek Star Zachary Quinto Comes Out as a Gay Man

E! News

Mazel tov, Zachary Quinto.

The actor, most known for his role on Heroes and playing Spock in the first film of the new Star Trek movie franchise, has come out of the closet as a gay man.

He hasn't done it with a magazine cover story declaring, "I'm gay," but…

Quinto, 34, simply mentions it during a wide-ranging new interview in New York magazine.

While discussing his work on Broadway in the recent revival of Angels in America, the Pulitzer Prize winning play about the AIDS epidemic, Quinto said, "[A]s a gay man, it made me feel like I—there's still so much work to be done. There's still so many things that need to be looked at and addressed. The undercurrent of that fear and that, you know, insidiousness still is swarming. It's still all around us."

Talking about the upcoming election year, Quinto, star and producer of the new financial thriller Margin Call, wonders about the state of affairs with the rise of the Tea Party happening at the same time as Occupy Wall Street. "[T]here's such tremendous disparity right now," said Quinto, who will also be seen in Ryan Murphy's new FX series, American Horror Story. "It's like, you have the legalization of gay marriage in the state of New York and three months later you have Jamey Rodemeyer killing himself, yet another gay teenager bullied into taking his own life.

"And, you know, again, as a gay man, I look at that and say there's a hopelessness that surrounds it," he continued. "But as a human being, I look at it and say, "Why? Where is this disparity coming from and why can't we as a culture, as a society, dig deeper to examine it?"

Quinto may say he's a "pretty low-key person," but his coming out has the potential to save and heal lives.

Just ask the gay kid watching Star Trek.

UPDATE: Shortly after news of the mag's story hit the net, Quinto posted a message to fans on his website. Here's an excerpt:

"When i found out that Jamey Rodemeyer killed himself—I felt deeply troubled," Quinto wrote. "But when I found out that Jamey Rodemeyer had made an it gets better video only months before taking his own life—I felt indescribable despair."

"I also made an it gets better video last year—in the wake of the senseless and tragic gay teen suicides that were sweeping the nation at the time. But in light of Jamey's death—it became clear to me in an instant that living a gay life without publicly acknowledging it—is simply not enough to make any significant contribution to the immense work that lies ahead on the road to complete equality."

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Graduated from Hogwarts! First look at Emma Watson in The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Daily Mail

She's modelled for Burberry and Lancôme, but Emma Watson is stripped of her fashion sense in new film The Perks Of Being A Wallflower.

The Harry Potter actress takes centre stage in her latest project about an introverted freshman student taken under the wings of two seniors who welcome him to the real world. 

In the first images released from the film, the 21-year-old star is dressed in a frumpy jumper that most people would be asking for the receipt back after granny gave it to them at Christmas.
Not quite Hogwarts: Emma Watson leaves Harry Potter behind her to star in The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Not quite Hogwarts: Emma Watson leaves Harry Potter behind her to star in The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Rising star Logan Lerman, who shot to fame in Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief, also features in the first sneak peek - but another co-star stole her heart.
The Parisian-born beauty has embarked on a romance with Johnny Simmons instead.
Where's Daniel? Emma flies the nest without Radcliffe and Rupert Grint, co-starring with Logan Lerman instead
Where's Daniel? Emma flies the nest without Radcliffe and Rupert Grint, co-starring with Logan Lerman instead

And it seems Watson has wasted no time in asking her new American beau to move to Britain.
Emma is about to take up a place at Oxford University, and wants her 24-year-old boyfriend to be with her when she resumes her studies next month.

A friend said: 'Emma is looking forward to her English degree at Worcester College. 
'She is excited to be back but she misses Johnny. She would love him to come here.'
Despite the cutesy title, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower is set to explore hard-hitting topics including teenage sexuality, abuse and the struggles of adolescence.

Watson has been connected the film since last summer, but it only recently gained funding from Twilight franchise owners Summit Entertainment.

Speaking of her role, she said: 'I was very nervous before we started shooting... about the American accent. 
'They (her co-stars) went to an American high school, they know what prom looks like, all these little details that I had no idea about. So I was a little neurotic.'

Read more:

What is wrong in the universe? This is the official first sign of the rapture - Kim Gordon And Thurston Moore (Sonic Youth) Broke Up


When I first read that Sonic Youth's Kim Gordon and Thurston Moore were quitting each other romantically, my first response was to declare for myself that forever true love is a falsity (file that under: words I learned while watching Judge Judy) and we should all spend what's ever left of our lives fucking strangers, eating pie, fucking strangers and banging our heads against the cave wall until the grim reaper chihuahua shows up to lead us to the river that takes us to the afterworld. But you know, Kim and Thursty were married for 27 years. That's two decades and a second grader! That's two and a half Biebers! Many people could not wake up next to the same face for 27 years. Hell, some people can't even wake up with their own faces on, which is why they get totally different faces glued onto their front heads. (I'm not naming any names. Kim Kardashian.)
Kim and Thursty simply want a different flavor of genitals on their tongue. That's all. They passed this break-up statement to E! News and everybody else last night:
"Musicians Kim Gordon and Thurston Moore, married in 1984, are announcing they have separated. Sonic Youth, with both Kim and Thurston involved, will proceed with its South American tour dates in November. Plans beyond that tour are uncertain. The couple has requested respect for their personal privacy and does not wish to issue further comment."
So, that shit also makes it sound like they might be fucking done professionally too. Oh well, 30 years is a long ass time for a band to be together and that is a great accomplishment. Yes, that is my new line for everything. Me to the mirror this afternoon after I eat a Big Mac and 6-piece McNugget: "Oh, Michael don't be so hard on yourself. For the past 6 days, you didn't give in to the wishes of the devil by eating McDonald's. That is a great accomplishment for you. You had a good run.....and now you have the runs."

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Jedis Fastest Growing Religious Minority in Hungary

The number of Hungarian Jedis is growing at an incredible rate, writes Bors, based on the fact that the Facebook community called "Admit in the census that you're a Jedi!" (Vállald a népszámláláson, hogy jedi vagy!) had received over 13,000 "likes" in just a week. (It currently stands at almost 17,500.) Those who want to proclaim their allegiance to the Force can do so by writing "Other: Jedi" in the "religion" field of the offline census forms currently being filled out by both Hungarians as well as the gaggle of non-Hungarians who have not yet decided to depart this dark and desolate corner of the universe. ( points out that Jedis will not be able to proclaim their faith if they fill out the form online, because there they will be faced with a set number of choices.)

Hungarian Jedis interviewed by the tabloid said they started the campaign not only because it's "fun," but also because they feel this belief system to be very positive, explaining that Star Wars creator George Lucas had created the belief system followed by the franchise's protagonists by kneading together elements of Buddhism, Taoism and Christianity.

They also said they hoped to get Jediism accepted as an official church in Hungary, pointing to the recent success of such a campaign in the United Kingdom. But this seems far from certain, given the current government's move to restrict the number of officially-recognized religious groups, as well as the general tendency in Hungary for the Dark Side to prevail.

FINALLY!!??!! - Kristen Stewart 'Kinda Sorta' Confirms Her Romance With Robert Pattinson

Pink Is The New Blog
On Monday we got our first look at Twilight actress Kristen Stewart on the cover and in the pages of the new issue of British GQ magazine. Today we get to see more photos from her GQ photospread … but it’s her newly released interview answers that are getting all of the attention today. For MONTHS, there has been much speculation (bolstered by some bit of photographic evidence) that K. Stew has been romantically involved with her Twilight co-star Robert Pattinson. In her interview with GQ, Kristen confirms that she is “so obviously” dating Rob … her “British boyfriend”.

There have been plenty of ‘no comments’, hints here and there, and of course numerous paparazzi photographs oh stolen kisses, holding hands and romantic rendezvous around the globe. But for the first time, Kristen Stewart has admitted frankly to her relationship with co-star Robert Pattinson. Despite the rest of the world accepting it as fact well over a year ago, the stars of Twilight have remained as tight-lipped as possible on the subject, often laughing and joking their way out of answering questions during interviews. And it was only an off-the-cuff comment overheard by a journalist that the 21-year-old even begrudgingly discussed her boyfriend. The actress remarks during her cover photoshoot that she is hoping to explore the UK more during her time here for filming of Snow White and the Hunstman, ‘because my boyfriend is English.’ When the writer comments on the remark the following day during their interview, the famously coy star replied, ‘I never would have said that if I knew you were interviewing me.’ But when it is pointed out that all their fans know about the long-term relationship by now, as her goings-on are so easily monitored in the press, Kristen offers an unexpectedly frank reply. ‘Yeah, I know it is,’ she tells the magazine. ‘So much of my life is so easily Googled. I mean, it’s like, come on guys, it’s so obvious! I don’t think you realise what a big deal it is for people. Well, it is a big deal. They would be “Oh. My. God”. There would also be still a 50/50 split. Some people would still be, “See, told you they’re not together.”’ She continues: ‘I don’t worry about it at all. It’s just one of those things. I’m selfish. I’m like, “That’s mine!” And I like to keep whatever is mine remaining that way. It’s a funny little game to play and it’s a slippery slope. I always say to myself I’m never going to give anything away because there’s never any point or benefit for me.’ Despite previously (and controversially) comparing living her life in front of the paparazzi to being raped, Kristen says: ‘It really is not a nightmare, it’s just one of those things. I guarantee whenever I get married or have a baby, everyone is going to want to know my kid’s name and I’m not going to say it for ages. That’s just the way I want to do it. It’ll come out but it won’t have come from me. They’re going to be really pissed off that I won’t say it and I’m just going to say, “No!” I also have that desire to blurt stuff out, but I’ve learned I can’t do that. Not when you realise the whole world is listening. That’s why perhaps I look so uncomfortable in interviews at times. I mean, we’ve talked about hiding things and I’ve had to get much more adept at that, sadly. But I’m glad I’m not one of those actresses who is just so ready to open up for everyone.’

And there you have it … Kristen and Rob are, in fact, a couple. The world did NOT screech to a halt at that revelation (tho, a few Pattinson fanatics may be a bit miffed by this news). I am unsurprised but happy that — at last — the secret’s out. Now, can we move on? As for these new GQ photos, I think Kristen looks good. I love the 60′s movie star vibe she’s got going on. A+ all around.

So … are you happy, sad or non-committal about Kristen‘s revelation about her Rob romance?

[Source via Source]

GHANA: Reintegrating the nation’s “witches”

ACCRA, 13 October 2011 (IRIN) - Ghana’s government is looking at ways to support people accused of witchcraft - mainly women and children banished by their communities to “witches’ camps” in the north - and to reintegrate them in their home villages.

Currently around 1,000 women and 700 children are living in six camps in northern Ghana, where they have found refuge from threats and violence from people in their home communities after being labelled witches and blamed for causing misfortune to others. In most cases the residents were taken to the camps by family members. A small number of men are also banished to the camps as “wizards”, according to Hajia Hawawu Boya Gariba, Ghana’s deputy minister for women and children’s affairs.

Belief in witchcraft is widespread in Africa - and other parts of the world - but in sub-Saharan Africa accusations against children are a recent and growing phenomena, according to a UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) report released last year.

The camps are located in remote areas and the residents usually live in basic conditions in mud huts without electricity, with limited access to food, water or medicine. Local reports detail women going hungry, residents having to walk kilometres to collect water, and children being unable to attend school. The camps are run by managers - usually the people who founded them - who rely on funding from NGOs and private donations to operate the facilities. Sometimes camp managers also take payment such as food from residents.

While the issue of “witches’ camps” is nothing new - they have been around for decades - recent media reports have spurred the government to action. “As a government we are embarrassed that we have these camps in our country - especially as our human rights record will be scrutinized as far as this is concerned,” Gariba said.

A meeting of government officials, accused women from the camps, camp managers, NGOs and doctors in Accra on 8 September considered what action should be taken to improve the situation for camp residents. Gariba said the government was working with the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) to improve conditions in the camps by providing food and other support to the inmates, then in the long-term the government would look at repatriating the residents to their home villages and shutting down the camps.

This will include educating communities back home so they understand the banished women are not actually witches, said Gariba, who has also suggested drafting legislation to make it illegal to accuse people of witchcraft.

Akwasi Osei, the chief psychiatrist in Ghana’s national health service, who helped initiate the meeting, emphasized the need for community education. “Right now if you [repatriate accused witches] you can be sure they will be lynched when they go back home,” he said. “You have to prepare [their] society and help them understand that it’s not these women who were the causes of [misfortune].”

A second meeting later this month will firm up a plan of action to eventually disband the camps, Gariba said.

Reluctant to leave

Not everyone thinks trying to close the camps is a good idea. Bilabim Jakper, 60, has lived in the Nabuli “witches’ camp”, Gushegu District, northern Ghana, for the past nine years and says she wants to stay put.

Her husband died 15 years ago, and after that her former husband’s younger brother accused her of witchcraft. “He told family members I attempted to kill him spiritually in the night… Later the whole village heard about the incident and concluded I was a witch. They beat me up and threatened to kill me.”

She escaped and eventually found her way to Nabuli. She said she does not believe her original community would accept her back. “They say I am a bad omen to my family. Here is my home… The people here are my friends and relatives now.”

Alhassan Sayibu, who has managed the Nyani “witches’ camp” in northern Ghana for 10 years since taking over from his father, said the risk of violence against so-called witches and wizards in their original communities was too high and the camps should not be closed.

“If something bad happens they [could] be accused [again]. Three months ago [people in one community] broke someone’s hand after she was sent back there and she was brought back here again. Even men are beaten and returned here,” Syibu said.

Gariba suggested if some inmates were still unable to return after their original communities were educated, the camps could be redeveloped into care centres.

Who are the accused?

Chief psychiatrist Osei said women accused of witchcraft are generally mentally ill - suffering depression, dementia or schizophrenia. Women were also usually easy targets when people were looking for a scapegoat, he said. “Very often [accused witches are] vulnerable women who are probably widowed or childless… or are poor and illiterate,” he said.

Emmanuel Dobson, executive director of Christian Outreach Fellowship, an NGO providing food, medicine and accommodation to people in the witches’ camps, agreed that mainly older, uneducated women were targeted. He also pointed to the patriarchal culture in northern Ghana as a factor in their vulnerability. “When a man marries a woman she becomes his property. The woman’s family then has less authority over the life of the woman, and the woman is left helpless [if] her husband is not able to advocate for her.”


Theme (s)GovernanceHuman RightsRefugees/IDPs,

‘Thor 2’ Changes Dates, Will Now Land In Theaters On November 15, 2013

Indie Wire
UpdatePatty Jenkins has been formally announced by Marvel to direct “Thor 2.”
Sorry superhero fans, it looks like the wait for “Thor 2” is going to be a bit longer than expected.
First announced this summer for a July 26, 2013 bow, Disney has now rescheduled the movie to November 15, 2013. At first glance it might seem that the recent upheaval with “The Lone Ranger,” which is now landing on May 31, 2013, might have played a part, but considering that movie will likely be long gone from theaters by “Thor 2”‘s original date, the much more probable reason is that the movie was facing some very stiff competition. The first three weeks of July 2013 see Steven Spielberg‘s “Robopocalypse,” Guillermo Del Toro‘s “Pacific Rim” and Tom Cruise‘s “Oblivion” all hitting theaters. “Thor 2” would have been in the unenviable position of arriving on the tail end of those movies, and the move to November, while unusual for a comic movie, is a smart play. The animated “Phineas and Ferb” will take over the July 26 date, giving moms and dads a family film option at the end of the month.
Traditionally, November has been the domain of Oscar material or big mainstream comedies or family films hoping to lure in Thanksgiving holiday crowds, but that seems to be changing. “Breaking Dawn” will hit theaters next month on November 18th (with the sequel arriving in the same frame in 2012), and the “Hunger Games” sequel “Catching Fire” is copying from the same playbook, landing on November 22, 2013. So is November the new July? Not just yet, but in terms of genre/geek/niche fare, it’s relatively untapped, and with less competition, it gives movies like “Thor 2” much more room to play.
Meanwhile, the film has still not officially locked down a director, though last we heard, “Monster” director Patty Jenkins was the latest name to be in contention. Last monthVulture caught up with helmer who has confident yet cagey about her involvement. “I can’t say, but yes,” she said when asked if she’ll be directing. “I can’t say anything definitive, but it’s exciting to be in talks with them about it.”
“I think Marvel is really ballsy to think outside the box,” she added. “And I think everyone they’ve talked to and hired has been interesting.” So the wheels are definitely in motion, but we’ll just have to wait four months longer for “Thor 2” to hit theaters.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Weekend Report: 'Real Steel' Wins Middleweight Bout

by Ray Subers for BoxOfficeMojo

Real Steel fought its way to the top of the box office this weekend, though its debut didn't quite reach heavyweight levels. The Ides of March was the runner-up with a standard George Clooney opening, while Dolphin Tale and Moneyball continued to hold well in their third frames.

Real Steel scored $27.3 million, which tops Rocky IV's $20 million for highest boxing debut ever (though it obviously lags in estimated attendance). It was also the second highest-grossing opening for a sports drama behind The Blind Side's $34.1 million. Still, Real Steel had an average start for movies involving robots, and even wound up behind A.I. Artificial Intelligence ($29.4 million). According to distributor Walt Disney Pictures' exit polling, the audience was 66 percent male and 70 percent under the age of 35, and the movie earned a strong "A" CinemaScore ("A+" for the under-25 crowd). Approximately $3.2 million of Real Steel's $27.3 million came from 270 IMAX screens which represents around 12 percent of the weekend gross.

While Real Steel does feature an "absentee father reunites with estranged son" story similar to many of executive producer Steven Spielberg's movies, that element never came to the forefront of the marketing campaign. Instead, Real Steel was primarily billed as a sci-fi boxing movie, which explains how the audience was skewed towards young males instead of the family audience that would likely have pushed Real Steel's opening a bit higher. Movies that play to young male audiences tend to be fairly front-loaded, and with The Thing, Paranormal Activity 3 and The Three Musketeers on the immediate horizon, it's tough to see how Real Steel gets close to $100 million.

The Ides of March earned $10.47 million on its opening weekend. That's just a bit ahead of George Clooney's Michael Clayton ($10.37 million) but behind his last directorial effort Leatherheads ($12.7 million). It was also slightly off from star Ryan Gosling's Drive ($11.3 million), and it lagged a bit behind Primary Colors ($12 million) among comparable campaign movies. The audience was 58 percent female and 65 percent under the age of 35, and it tallied an okay "B" CinemaScore ("B+" for the under-25 demographic). 

The Ides of March was billed as a thriller, but previews were light on action and heavy on political intrigue. That didn't prove to be enough to mobilize a large number of people, most of whom are probably content to get their fill of politics from the non-stop Republican primary news coverage. The movie's mild debut also reemphasizes that while George Clooney and Ryan Gosling are Hollywood darlings, neither are very big box office draws. With solid but unspectacular reviews and a middling CinemaScore, there's virtually no chance The Ides of March ultimately matches Michael Clayton's $49 million.

Thanks to The Ides of March, Moneyball and Courageous, Sony passed $1 billion in 2011 domestic box office on Friday. It's the sixth straight year the studio has reached that milestone (Sony stated that it's the tenth straight year, but Mojo data has the studio earning $917.8 million in 2005), and Sony is the fourth studio to earn $1 billion this year following Paramount, Warner Bros. and Disney.

Last weekend's winner Dolphin Tale eased 34 percent to $9.13 million for a total of $49 million. It's still slightly behind Moneyball, which dipped 38 percent to $7.45 million for a total of $49.2 million. 

50/50 had the best hold among last weekend's newcomers. It declined 35 percent to $5.65 million, and the movie has now earned $17.5 million. Courageous on the other hand fell 47 percent to $4.87 million. That's a bit worse than Fireproof's 42 percent decline, though Courageous's $16.16 million total is still running ahead of Fireproof's $12.4 million through the same point.

With the Blu-ray finally in stores, The Lion King (in 3D) plummeted 57 percent to $4.6 million. That brings the re-release's total to $86 million and the movie's overall total to $414.5 million. Within the next few days, The Lion King will pass Toy Story 3 ($415 million) to move in to ninth place on the all-time domestic chart.

Dream House fell 45 percent to $4.48 million for a paltry 10-day total of $14.47 million. What's Your Number? was off 42 percent to $3.13 million for a terrible total of $10.4 million.

In limited release, horror sequel The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence debuted to an estimated $54,000 from 18 locations ($3,000 per-theater average), most of which were only playing the movie during late shows on Friday and Saturday night. The original Human Centipede earned $181,467 in theaters last year, and the sequel will look to eclipse that figure as it expands throughout the month of October.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Check out this artist - Renwulf's Art Store

Renwulf's Art Store

She specializes in digital art pieces (mostly pagan).

During the month of October all Breast Cancer design sale's proceeds will be donated to The Susan G. Koman Foundation.

Young Witches of Salem celebrate Halloween with reality show

Digital Journal 
Salem - Salem, Massachusetts., has, in recent years, acquired reputation of "The Witch City." This year, as Halloween approaches, Salem, which prides itself Halloween capital of the world, is abuzz with news of special plans for Haunted Happenings.

A group known as the Young Witches of Salem is filming online as part of celebrations of Haunted Happenings season, a reality show about their lives as young witches.

Halloween season fun and entertainment in Salem began on October 1. The Young Witches of Salem are broadcasting a web series on the lives of young witches Lexi Renee, Caitlin Rose, Peter Murphy and Danielle Young, who, while managing the drudgeries of work-a-day personal lives, take time off to learn the craft of Wicca from leaders and Elders in Salem.
Lexi Renee, youngest member of the caste, is just 18. She recently graduated from high school. She moved from her home in South Carolina to Salem. In her high school days in South Carolina, Lexi led a Wiccan group called the Order of the White Vixen. She says Wiccan groups are widespread in U.S. high schools:

"In every High School, there is a secret circle; you just have to find it. Sometimes you may be the one who starts it, but it is always there.”

Danielle Young, another of the cast members, is native to Salem. She is 24 years old and full-time maiden priestess of Temple Tituba in the Salem Chapel at the World of Witches Museum. She says,
"Salem can be a very lonely place for a Young Witch. The Elders of Salem take on very few students, groups are extremely private, and there are few public rituals performed. It requires knowing somebody who knows somebody who knows the High Priestess to get an invitation.”

Danielle Young has been involved in efforts to open up Wicca activities in Salem and provide interested members of the community with access to the Wicca culture of Salem.

The reality show, focusing on Lexi Renee, Caitlin Rose, Peter Murphy and Danielle Young, real members of the Witch community, will allow the audience participate in interactive video. The production will include the use of Actionable, Taggable video with clickable links built into the show. The series will be featuring the Young Witches both in front and behind the camera. Director Foxglove, age 22, explains:

“When people want to learn something, they want more than just facts; they want the story behind the facts. With The Young Witches project, I have been challenged to do more than simply report about them, I need to tell their story in terms that the audience will enjoy. This is reality-based programming, but it is also a dream come true for The Young Witches. They will be living a real-life fairytale that concludes with a costume ball: the Official Salem Witches Ball. This is a story about transformation; one that can happen at any time to anyone if they come to Salem.”

Friday, October 7, 2011

First Look - 'The Raven' Trailer

Michelle Pfeiffer, Emma Watson & Helen Mirren Sound Off On Plastic Surgery

I'm Not Obsessed

The issue of plastic surgery apparently is still hotly debated in Hollywood. The question about it now, however, seems to be about degree: how much one should get. ‘New Year’s Eve‘ star Michelle Pfeiffer admits she isn’t completely opposed to getting some work done.

“I’m all for a little something here and there – fine. It doesn’t matter to me if people have plastic surgery or they don’t, or if they do Botox. But when people don’t look like themselves anymore, that’s when you kind of go, ‘Oooh,’ and it’s kind of sad. It’s uncomfortable for us, but if they’re happy with what they see in the mirror, does it matter?”

‘Harry Potter’ star Emma Watson, however, isn’t really a fan. At all.

“I do worry about the expectation to look a certain way. I find LA quite scary because of that – all those young people having plastic surgery. But the thing is, I don’t want to look like everyone else. I don’t have perfect teeth, I’m not stick thin. I want to be the person who feels great in her body and can say that she loves it and doesn’t want to change anything.”

Not stick thin? Well, good for Emma for not bowing to pressure! Meanwhile, for “Body of the Year” and “Sexiest Woman Over 50″ Helen Mirren, it’s an age thing.

“The only thing I don’t like on young people is plastic surgery. The purity of youthful beauty is so fantastic to me that it’s horrific when young girls get fake things.”

I have to admit, it does surprise me when I hear about teenagers and twentysomethings getting botox! Who’s views are most similar to yours: Michelle’s, Emma’s, or Helen’s?

'My Year with Marilyn' trailer featuring Emma Watson with NASTY bangs

Otherwise, looks great!  I am a huge Michelle Williams fan...maybe Oscar will finally call;-)

First Look at 'Snow White' Lily Collins and Julia Roberts Continued

Thanks Daily Mail

First Look at 'Snow White' Lily Collins and Julia Roberts as the misunderstood;-) Queen

So far, this one looks to be my favourite.  Not as serious and dark as the other two.  Thoughts?

Johnny Depp Will Be Dr Seuss and here come ANOTHER draft of 'The Thin Man'

Tick another literary legend from the To Do list that lives in Johnny Depp’s head: having played Peter Pan pen wrangler JM Barrie in Finding Neverland, the actor/producer is now looking to bring Dr Seuss to life in a new live-action biopic.

Seuss – real name Theodor Geisel – got his creative start drawing adverts and comic strips before graduating to political cartoons during World War II. He then switched to his distinctive style of children’s books, pumping out the likes of Oh, The Places You’ll Go!, How the Grinch Stole Christmas!, Horton Hears a Who! and The Cat in the Hat. His work has also become a lucrative source of blockbusters for various studios.

But though Universal and Despicable Me production company Illumination Entertainment are behind the new movie, don’t go expecting too much in the way of CG tinkering this time. That said, given Seuss’ style and visual imagination, there’s always a chance it could show up. We’re just crossing our fingers no one tries to get Mike Myers back in his awful Cat suit.

The connection between the companies and the Geisel estate is already strong, since Illumination is busy working on a CG cartoon version of Seuss tale The Lorax. Depp has agreed to co-produce the eventual biopic via his Infinitum Nihil company and Keith Bunin has been hired to write the script.

In related Depp/writer news, word also arrives that yet another scribe has been drafted in to craft the script for the actor’s long-gestating adaptation of Dashiell Hammett’s The Thin Man. After Jerry Stahl wrote the earliest versions, David Koepp was recently approached to work on the screenplay. But he and director Rob Marshall apparently didn’t see eye-to-eye on the vision for the movie, so now Shattered Glass writer/director and in-demand script doctor Billy Ray is taking on the job. It’ll be his responsibility to crank out a new take on private eye/drunkard Nick Charles (Depp) and his wife Nora as they track down a murderer…

James White

Tara and Buffy meet again on 'The Ringer'!

The CW is staging its secondBuffy reunion of the season.
Former Sunnydale denizen Amber Benson (who played Willow’s soulmate, Tara) has landed a guest spot on Sarah Michelle Gellar’s film noir thriller Ringer, TVLine has confirmed. The actress will show up in Episode 10 as play Mary Curtis, an informant (and stripper!) for Nestor Carbonell’s Agent Machado. first reported the news.
The CW’s Supernatural will also host a Buffyverse rendezvous on Oct. 21 when Charisma Carpenter and James Marsters appear as an unhappily married couple.
Which Hellmouth redux are you most excited to see?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

First Look: Russell Crowe As Jor-EL Surfaces On The Set Of ‘Man Of Steel’

Pink Is the New Blog


Dish Of Salt: Evangeline Lilly Dishes On Filming ‘The Hobbit’

Access Hollywood

Tags: Evangeline Lilly,‘The Hobbit’,Peter Jackson,‘Real Steel’,Dish Of Salt,Geek Chic,Red Carpet,Movies

At the “Real Steel” premiere, Evangeline Lilly chats with’s Laura Saltman about filming Peter Jackson’s “The Hobbit.” So, is she worried about how J.R.R. Tolkien fans will take to her character? Plus, Evangeline speaks Elvish to The Dish.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Shake It Out! Watch Florence + The Machine's New Music Video HERE!

SO looking forward to this album!!!

What do you think?

Nathan Fillion, Tim Daly and Michael Rosenbaum Join an All-Star Cast for Justice League: Doom

**Always up for some Nathan Fillion news:-)

TV Guide

Here comes the Justice League! An all-star cast has been assembled to provide voices for the iconic team of superheroes in Justice League: Doom, the latest animated DVD-movie in Warner Home Video's series of DC Comics adaptations.Castle star Nathan Fillion will reprise the role of Green Lantern, which he first played in Green Lantern: Emerald Knights. He'll be joined by Tim Daly and Kevin Conroy, the longtime voices for Superman and Batman, respectively. Rounding out the cast are several of Conroy's old costars from Cartoon Network's 2001-06 Justice Leagueseries (known as Justice League Unlimited in later seasons): Smallville's Michael Rosenbaum as the Flash, Alias alum Carl Lumbly as Martian Manhunter and veteran voice actress Susan Eisenberg as Wonder Woman. Cyborg, a character not seen on Justice League, joins the group for this movie and will be played by Bumper Robinson(The Game).

The movie, due to be released in early 2012 on DVD, Blu-ray, digital download and on-demand, is based on the popular DC storyline JLA: Tower of Babel, written by Mark Waid. The plot: Batman's secret contingency plans to defeat his own teammates (should any of them go rogue) are stolen and put into action by a group of super villains.

Once again running the show behind the scenes is executive producer Bruce Timm, the man responsible for dozens of beloved animated superhero projects, including the original Justice LeagueLauren Montgomery, a veteran of several animated movies in this series, including the upcoming Batman: Year One, is the director. The script was written by acclaimed animation/comic book writer Dwayne McDuffie, who passed away earlier this year.

A trailer for Justice League: Doom will premiere at New York Comic Con on Friday, Oct. 14, and is featured on the Batman: Year One DVD, which goes on sale Tuesday, Oct. 18.